Moovly's Max subscription allow you to create videos to explain your topic, tell your story or communicate your message to your audience, even if this message is a commercial, marketing, or promotion message.
The Max subscriptions also allow you to monetize Moovly for direct commercial purposes, including:
Exceptions to these rights may apply in the case of use for broadcast and the commercial use of audio objects (music and sounds) provided by third-party libraries, such as iStock by Getty Images, Soundstripe Music, Unsplash. In such a case, you'll need to check with your country's Public Rights Organization for fees and legal conditions. See also our FAQ about the use of audio.
You get a full, exclusive usage right of your video, but as your content also contains Moovly components or objects licensed by Moovly partners, you do not own these. Of course, you also stay owner of all media you owned and uploaded.
More information can be found in our Terms & Conditions.