How to apply animation effects to objects?

How to apply animation effects to objects?

Add different effects to images, sounds, and videos in your project

Every object on the Stage has a corresponding layer in the Timeline. That is where you can apply animations to your objects. The animation options of an object depend on the type of object selected. E.g. you can apply Hand Writing to a text object but not to an image, you can apply a Fly-In effect to an image but not to a sound, etc.

To add an animation effect to an object, first, select it in the Timeline. You will notice it turns blue when selected. Then look for the 'Add animation' button at the bottom of the Timeline:  

Clicking this button opens a menu with animation options. The menu contains animations in 5 categories:

  1. Enter’ animations: how objects appear.
  2. Exit’ animations: how objects disappear.
  3. Move & Transform’ animations: how objects move from one state to another. ‘State’ refers to position, size, rotation and transparency – in any combination.
  4. Highlight’ animations: how objects can draw attentions.
  5. Hands’ animations: how objects can appear and disappear using a hand. Images from the Doodle Marker library can also be drawn by a hand. Text can also be written by a hand.

When you've added an animation, it appears in the Timeline as a line between two bullets. The longer this line, the slower the animation. The shorter the line, the faster the animation. You can make the line longer or shorter by dragging the bullet right or left as shown:

Here's an example of how to apply the animation effects 'Fade out', 'Fade in', 'Bounce in' and 'Flow in':

To remove an animation, click the little Trash icon in the Timeline column on the left side: 

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