How to create my own Templates?

How to create my own Templates?

Learn how to make your own Templates for future use.

Templates are basically reusable and editable projects. In other words, they are created from projects. So before trying anything, go to the Moovly dashboard and create a new project or use an existing project that you'd like to use as a template.
Once you have the Moovly Editor open, go to the Settings tab and click 'Enable template functions'.

After enabling template functions. You can select whether it'll become part of you custom template, e-commerce, or RSS.

Now add videos, photos, and text. Do this to your hearts content. If you are happy with the structure of your video, add some placeholders (this could be text, but also video or images) to be replaced.

Marking objects as a template object

If the placeholders are there, select a text, video or image object that you want to mark as a template object. Marking objects as a template object, allows you to replace the objects with new ones and automatically apply the previously used settings of the marked template object. Objects that you do not want to change you keep unmarked. 

We recommend marking only the necessary objects that you want to swap out for other objects. This will keep your template structured and organized. 

Template object settings

For each type of object you select on the stage, you have additional settings that you can choose between.

Objects Behavior is a setting that applies to Texts, Images, and/or Sound Objects.

Text objects settings
  1. Behavior
    1. Is required: This will make it mandatory that object must be replaced in order to create a project from the template
    2. Optional - keep placeholder: It will automatically use the placeholder object if there has no new object been added
    3. Optional - hide placeholder: It will automatically hide the placeholder object if no new object has been added
  2. Unique identifier: The name of the object that will be shown in the quick edit form. If left blank it will use a default name.
  3. Order: Determine the order of the template objects that will be shown next to the template
  4. Text object characters: Choose the amount of min. and max. characters that may be used. 
  1. Objects fit
    1. When an object gets replaced by a different one that has different dimensions, this property controls the behavior of the new object within the box

Duration and Character Limit
  1. Text object: Choose the amount of min. and max. characters that may be used. 
  2. Image object: Fixed length, min and maximum duration
  3. Video Object: Fixed length, min and max duration
  4. Audio Object: Fixed length, min and max duration

Saving a template

Once you are done, save your project and close the Moovly Editor. You'll have a Moovly project, but not yet a Template. To do this, click on More and choose "Create template":

Additional Template Settings

When saving a project as a template the following settings will be available:

Add tags to template to easily find it
You can also assign a category to the template to organize them
Making it public allows other users to use your template
Send rendered videos to form submitters for WordPress pages: If enabled, users can receive their submitted 

Click create to create your turn your project into a template.

Finding your personal templates

Your personal template will now appear in the Templates section and you'll be able to use the Quick Edit form: all the objects you have marked as template objects (as described above) will appear in the form. This way, you can easily and quickly derive new projects from your templates without having to open the Editor!


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