How to share a Moovly project with other Moovly users?

How to share a Moovly project with other Moovly users?

Steps to share or transfer your Moovly content with/to other Moovly users
Please note this option is not available to Free version users

You can easily share your project with other Moovly users so they can view, copy or edit that project. 

Click the project thumbnail to go to the project details page.

Click the ‘More’ button on the right-hand side and select ‘Share’ from the dropdown list.


The following pop-up appears:

Next, in the ‘Invite’ box, enter the email address of the person(s) you want to share your project with. Note that this person should also have a Moovly account. If you want, you can also add a message, which will appear in the email the person will receive.

Please note:

Finally, give that user a certain right: you can allow him or her to view, copy, edit or review the project you're about to share.  

Then give that user a certain right: you can allow him or her to view, copy, edit or review the project you're about to share. 

Please note:

  • The Edit right will allow the other user to directly edit your project and save these edits. This can be your intention in collaborative projects, but also cause unintended results, such as loss of content when two users edit a project simultaneously. Make sure to synchronize well with the other user and avoid opening or working on the same project at the same time.
  • The review right lets other users view and add comments on your project. This is useful if you require feedback on your project from friends, colleagues or stakeholders. 
  • Sharing takes the subscriptions into account of both the user who shares and the user the project is shared with:
    • Sharing is possible between users who have the same subscription.
    • Sharing is not possible with a user of a higher subscription.
    • Sharing with a user who has a lower subscription is possible, however certain functions may not be available (e.g. when features or libraries are used that are not available in the lower subscriptions).

If your project is finished and you'd like to publicly share the finished video with your audience for viewing, then you can publish your video and/or share it on your favorite social networks.

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