How to select and align multiple objects on the Stage?

How to select and align multiple objects on the Stage?

Creating a video with multiple objects on the Stage

When creating a video with multiple objects on the Stage (e.g. when creating a bullet list, or a combination of text and object), it is usually better to properly align these items. 

To align Stage objects manually using grids, first select Settings icon at the top of the Studio editor, Select Stage tab and tick the radio button for Enable smart guides.

After enabling it, red grids will appear at the closest alignment point of every objects.

Aligning multiple objects is also possible when you selected all of them. To select multiple objects, press and hold the Shift button your Windows computer, or cmd for Macs. You will know when all objects are selected when they are enclosed with a blue box.

Once all objects are selected, the Align icon will activate at the top:

Click the Align icon and choose the desired alignment.

Please note that alignment will of course change when objects are animated.

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